Digital reconstruction of the first human flight into space. Commissioned by Zaryadye media center.
The piece won the Moscow Art Award, Best Movie nomination, 2021
Production - Eugene Afonin, Yan Kalnberzin
Music - Nikolay Popov
Music - Nikolay Popov

It comes in two formats:
- A version for large panoramic screens and floor screens, with a resolution of 14,000x4,000 pixels.
- A version for regular HD 9:16 televisions.

This 60 year commemoration of cosmonauts and human space flight would not be complete without sharing a tiny peak of this astronomical work released today in glorious 360 surround from Curiosity Media Lab’s Eugene Afonin and @Рэм Квадригa with sound by Nikolay Popov about Yuri Gagarin, the first human to journey into outer space and what that experience might have been. Made with a lot of love and understanding happy space flight day to all and we look forward to sharing more of this work!
TouchDesigner - This 60 year commemoration of cosmonauts...
This 60 year commemoration of cosmonauts and human space flight would not be complete without sharing a tiny peak of this astronomical work released…
